Tennis Parties

Celebrate your special event at MNTC

What’s Included

2 hour use of upstairs lounge with kitchen access to refrigerator/cooler and ice, tables and chairs.
1 hour on court with one or more pros – instruction, games and more!
Use of demo rackets and QuickStart equipment; Pro’s will set up the courts.
Birthday person gets a MNTC t-shirt.


Prices are calculated based on number of participants, which determines how many pros and courts are needed.

Up to 12 participants $300
13 – 18 participants $350
19 – 24 participants $375
25 plus participants $400

10% off for MNTC members.

To Coordinate Your Tennis Party

  1. Call the front desk at 757-221-7378 to book your event.
  2. Provide participant information (we’ll let you know how).
  3. Have all participants print and sign the MNTC Release Form and bring it with you to the party.