Junior Tribe Summer Camp Registration Parent/Guardian Name (required) Parent/Guardian Email (required) Parent/Guardian Phone (required) Camper Name (required) Camper Birthday (required) Approving Coach (required) Camp Week(s) Participating (required - select one or more) Week 1 (June 16 - June 20)Week 2 (June 23 - June 27)Week 3 (June 30 - July 3)Week 4 (July 7 - July 11)Week 5 (July 14 - July 18)Week 6 (July 21 - July 25)Week 7 (July 28 - August 1)Week 8 (August 4 - August 8)Week 9 (August 11 - August 15)Week 10 (August 18 - August 22) A 10% discount is available for siblings attending the same week of camp. Each camper must have a separate registration form filled out, but enter the sibling name(s) here to facilitate the discount. Sibling Name(s) This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.